Special Report: Gauteng Xenophobic Attacks February 2017
26 February 2017
Special Report: Gauteng Xenophobic Attacks February 2017
Prepared by Alexandra Hiropoulos
Over the past two years, xenophobic violence has claimed lives and destroyed property in communities across South Africa. As shown in Table 1, nearly 70 people have died, over 100 have been assaulted, close to 600 shops have been looted and over 10,000 people have been displaced due to xenophobic incidents between January 2015 and January 2017. Since official figures are not released by the South African Police Service, figures in Table 1 are based on media reports which likely underestimate the total number of victims during attacks.
This special report provides a time line of xenophobic events in Gauteng province during February 2017. Information is based predominantly on media reports1 as well as reports from Xenowatch partners which include the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Between 05 and 24 February this year, community raids of foreign-owned or occupied residences and businesses led to the victimisation of well over 60 individuals, including foreign nationals and South African citizens.
Download the report here