Xenowatch is a platform that monitors all forms of xenophobic discrimination across South Africa.

What is Xenowatch?

Developed by the African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) at the University of Witwatersrand, Xenowatch is an open source system for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping that allows crowdsourcing of information and data on xenophobic discrimination incidents in South Africa using the following reporting methods: Email, WhatsApp and Call. Xenowatch tracks, verifies, records and analyzes all forms of xenophobic discrimination as well as responses or interventions by all relevant stakeholders including government and civil society. It serves as an early warning system that notifies authorities and civil society about threats and violence and calls for immediate and appropriate response. Xenowatch data is analyzed to identify violence causal factors and characteristics of communities at risk in ways that can inform early warning and more effective conflict prevention/resolution interventions.

How to report?

ACMS has developed audios in English and IsiZulu with details on how to report incidents of xenophobic discrimination. You can listen here:



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The Mobility Governance Lab (MGL) explores the governance of mobility at multiple scales across the global south. It is an autonomous, critical space working to realise principles of innovation, independence, and equitable partnership.

Reports & Publications

Outsider Resentment, Public Disengagement and other Factors Affecting Social Cohesion and Collective Violence in Orange Farm

This report presents findings of research conducted by the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS) in Orange Farm, City of Johannesburg in April, and October 2022. Conducted as part of -and for- the Kagisano programme, this research builds on -and updates- an original study conducted in the same area in 2017. The 2017 study…

Panel Discussion: The Implications of Xenophobic Violence for Trade & Transformation

Wits University’s African Centre for Migration & Society and the Wits-Oxford Mobility Governance Lab held a hybrid panel discussion reflecting on the meaning and implications of xenophobic violence for South Africa’s economic and political future.

Making sense of intensifying immigration debates in SA and UK

As immigration debates heat up in South Africa and the United Kingdom, the discovery of undocumented immigrants in South Africa and anti-immigration riots in the UK underscore global challenges in balancing security, economic needs, and humanitarian concerns. Naledi Moleo from Newzroom Afrika talks with Prof. Loren Landau to explore these issues and draw parallels between…
